About Us

Marisis Aid was started in 2018 by Linda Nana Frema Nyarko to fulfill a passion for Christian Evangelism and caring for the underprivileged in society. The name Marisis is a tribute to her mother Marian Lartele Lartey who is a great giver and a lover of God. Marisis is the name Madam Marian used to register her three companies in the past. Madam Marian’s passion for entrepreneurship fueled her daughter Linda’s entrepreneurial spirit, which led to the formation of Naflin Group of Companies Limited, which comprises:

  • Naflin Consult Limited
  • Naflin Company Limited
  • Naflin Oil and Gas Limited
  • Efal Company Limited
  • Linron Engineering Limited

Marisis Aid is an avenue for Linda to give back to society and support Christian evangelism by donating proceeds from the above companies.Marisis Aid is open to receive donations from other interested bodies who share a similar passion for Christian evangelism and caring for the underprivileged.


Our vision is to spread the gospel of Christ Jesus to every part the world and care for the needy as our Lord Jesus commands.


Our mission is to fulfill the great commission by sharing the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and in caring for the needy and oppressed in society to promote justice and the transformation of lives, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.


  • Christianity
  • Love
  • Servitude
  • Dignity
  • Responsiveness
  • Partnership
  • Stewardship


We acknowledge one God and the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We find our call to ministry in Jesus Christ and the abundance of God’s love. Jesus Christ is central in our individual and corporate life. We bear witness to the redemption offered only through faith in Jesus Christ. The staff we engage are equipped by belief in Christian principles and practice to bear this witness. We will maintain our identity as Christian, while being sensitive to the diverse contexts in which we express that identity.

We regard all people as created and loved by God. We give priority to people before money, structure, systems and other institutional machinery. We act in ways that respect the dignity, uniqueness and intrinsic worth of every person — the poor, the donors, our staff and their families, boards and volunteers. We celebrate the richness of diversity in human personality, culture and contribution. We practice a participative, open, enabling style in working relationships. We encourage the professional, personal and spiritual development of our staff.

The resources at our disposal are not our own. They are a sacred trust from God through Naflin Group and its subsidiaries and other donors on behalf of Christian evangelism and the underprivileged. We are faithful to the purpose for which those resources are given and manage them in a manner that provides maximum benefit on each project. We demand of ourselves high standards of professional competence and accept the need to be accountable through appropriate structures for achieving these standards.

We are partners with Naflin Group and other donors in a shared ministry. We affirm and promote unity in the Body of Christ. We pursue relationship with all churches and desire mutual participation in ministry. We seek to contribute to the holistic mission of the church.We maintain a co-operative stance and a spirit of openness towards other humanitarian organizations. We are willing to receive and consider honest opinions from others about our work. We are responsive to new and unusual opportunities. We encourage innovation, creativity and flexibility. We maintain an attitude of learning, reflection and discovery in order to grow in understanding and skill.


We are diligent in using the resources entrusted to us as efficiently and effectively as possible to deliver maximum impact. This commitment is rooted in our Christian faith and core values, particularly that of stewardship.

Being Accountable is the commitment of our organisation to account for its activities and promises made, provide information and listen, and ultimately be held accountable for our operations, by accepting responsibility for our decisions, disclosing the results of projects in a transparent manner and uphold the highest ethical behaviour in our operations. It also includes the responsibility for money or other entrusted properties to be used in the most efficient and responsible manner possible.

Our commitment to our donors is to be good stewards of their resources. We commit to partner and collaborate with those who share our goals. Without being transparent about our progress, we cannot be held to account. So, we seek to report, and reflect upon, the extent to which our systems and processes enable us to keep these promises to our stakeholders.